Ceramic Development Centre Phum Andoung Reusey Kampong Chhnang, CAMBODIA

Superior Organization: Chamber of Trade and Crafts Koblenz City (Germany)(Finished Projects)
Organization sector: private
Business type:
  • Social Enterprises
No. of employee:
Year establishment: 1998
Key services:
  • Sell Souvenir made from brick
  • Sell Stove


Suggested outline

· Development history: Ceramic Development Centre Trapaing Reusey is founded in 1998 with supporting from Chamber of Trade and Crafts Koblenz City (Germany) from 1998 to 2006. Currently the project has already been completed.

· Mission: Study Invention Development

· Vision: Protection and Training

· Production Pottery and Ceramic to the market needs


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General Contact
Legal representative
Name: Yim Pov
Position: Director
Phum Andoung Reusey, Khum Srae Thmey, Srok Re, Kampong Chhnang , +855, Kampong Chhnang, CAMBODIA

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