Dawei District Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) Tanithayi Region / Dawei, MYANMAR

Superior Organization: Tanintharyi Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TCCI)
Organization sector: private
Business type:
  • Non-governmental and non-profit organizations (NGO & NPO)
No. of employee:
Year establishment: 2015
Key services:
  • ) Trade fair 2) Business matching 3) Coorperative with government for business and trade development. 4) Collaborate with all business sector for business and trade development.


Organize by needness of new policy and local situation.

·        Development history:

·        Mission:  1. Improve job opportunities, knowledge, skills of the members.

             2. Provide trade network and business network with abroad.

·        Vision: Develop Local business opportunities and trade volume.

·        Key responsibility:  Organizing, coordinating, facilitating, implementing to gain organization’s vision and mission.

·        Others:  

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Organization structure

Promotional materials
Other promotion materials
Organization size detail
Employee type Number
Full Time 1
Governing Board Members (CEC) 21

Membership Info

Membership application form, download here
Procedure to be a member
  1. Contact to coordinator
  2. Fill in data process
  3. Done to financial step
  4. Finish
Membership benefits
  • Brochure
  • Business Matching
  • Seminars
  • Conference
  • Workshops
  • Trade Fair
  • Study Tour
  • Business Consultant
Services provided to members

Study tour (1 time)

Business matching (1 time)

No Technology Request!
General Contact
Legal representative
Name: Mr. Sai Hein Htet Oo
Position: Secretary
30, Arzarni Road, Dawei, Tanithayi Region / Dawei, MYANMAR

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