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  • Topics:

    Call for Application for Structured Learning Visit (SLV) cum Business Matching in Thailand (September 10-16, 2017)

  • Location:

    123 Mittraphap Rd., Muang District, Khon Kaen 40002, THAILAND , Konkaen

  • Start Date:

    10 Sep 2017

  • End Date:
    2017-09-16 00:00:00

    16 Sep 2017

Event Description

Mekong Institute (MI) is implementing a two year project on “Enhancing Competitiveness of SMEs in the Southern Economic Corridor (SEC) of ASEAN Mekong Subregion (AMS)” funded by Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF). As part of the Project framework, MI is orgianisng two Structured Learning Visits (SLVs) cum Business Matching in Thailand to bring the representatives of selected SMEs and public and private Business Development Service (BDS) providers in the 19 SEC Provinces to observe and learn from the successul induatrial clsuters and value chains intergation best practise. The SLVs will also expose them to the emerging business opportunities in Thailand through business matching and networking.

The program has the following main activities:

Structured Learning Visit (SLV):

The SLV will provide participants with the direct exposure to the successful industrial clusters and value chain integration models in Thailand. They also learn about understand state-of- the-art production systems, packaging, processing, standards & certification process, quality control technologies, R&D, skill development opportunities and suppliers of some leading organizations (businesses / associations / institutions) in the related industries in Thailand.

Business Matching:

It will enable the participants to identify emerging opportunities for business development in Thailand and vice versa. It will also enable the participants to establish network and linkages with different key stakeholders in Thailand.

A total of 22 participants from the 11 Provinces in CMTV (two from each province) are invited to participate in the SLV. Target group includes selected SMEs and public and private BDS providers from the 11 SEC provinces, the provinces where the project focuses on Agribusiness product sectors below:

  • Banteay Meanchey (Silk Production), Cambodia
  • Kampong Chhnang (Pottery and Ceramics), Cambodia
  • Pursat (Pursat Orange), Cambodia
  • Svay Rieng (Smach Rice), Cambodia
  • Chanthaburi (Fresh Druain), Thailand
  • Kanchanaburi (Banana Processing), Thailand
  • Prachinburi (Organic Rice), Thailand
  • Ratchaburi (Aromatic Coconut), Thailand
  • Sa-Kaeo (Aromatic Herb), Thailand
  • Trat (Community Based Tourism: CBT), Thailand
  • Tay Ninh (Custard Apple), Vietnam

For further information about the program, please refer to the documents below:

  1. Concept Note;
  2. Application Form;
  3. Program Schedule;
  4. Field Visit Guideline for Participants;
  5. Welcome Pack.
For details, please contact:
Mr. Toru Hisada
Senior Project Coordinator
Trade and Investment Facilitation (TIF)
Mekong Institute (MI)
Tel: (+66) 43 202268 (Ext: 4097)
Fax: (+66) 43 203 656
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.mekonginstitute.org
Mr. Kyaw Min Tun
Program Officer
Trade and Investment Facilitation (TIF)
Mekong Institute (MI)
Tel: (+66) 43 202268 (Ext: 4016)
Fax: (+66) 43 203 656
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.mekonginstitute.org