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  • Topics:

    Myanmar – Thailand Trade Mission 2017 (November 6 - 8, 2017)

  • Location:

    Kanchanaburi province, Thailand and Dawai Provinces, Myanmar

  • Start Date:

    06 Nov 2017

  • End Date:
    2017-11-08 17:00:00

    08 Nov 2017

Event Description

1. Background

Cross-border trade promotion and investment for countries within Greater-Mekong Sub-region  (GMS), including Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam (CCLMTV), are vital to the economic development. GMS countries have been using economic corridors to promote economic growth and development. With regards to the Southern Economic Corridor (SEC), the connectivity of four countries, namely Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam (CMTV) provides competitive advantage in the cross-border trade and investment. Such situation is seen as an opportunity to learn and collaborate for business networking to explore market opportunities. In realization of the significance of trade promotion through the development of trade events, Mekong Institute (MI) organized one-week Regional Training program on “Trade Events Promotion” on June 12-16, 2017 at MI Residential Training Center, Khon Kaen, Thailand. One of the main objectives of the training was to strengthen skills in planning and conducting effective trade events and monitoring the success of the event in order to promote cross-border trade and
investment in the SEC. Training participants from the CMTV were provided practical inputs to implement joint cross-border trade event to reinforce collaboration between the cross-national Trade Promotion Organizations (TPOs) in promoting business networking for SMEs in order to 1) eventually increase the cross-border trade and 2) apply knowledge gained from the training program in the field level.

A group of participants from Myanmar that consists of 1 province (Dawai province), work in partnership with a group of participants from Thailand that consists of 3 provinces (Kanchanaburi, Ratchaburi and Prachinburi provinces), to implement joint action plan on cross-border trade event, namely Myanmar – Thailand Trade mission 2017.

2. Objectives

The business matching event aims at offering TPOs from 4 provinces of Myanmar and Thailand the opportunities to apply knowledge they have gained from the training with MI into field level, to reinforce collaboration and promoting business networking for SMEs in order to eventually increase the cross-border trade.

Key objectives of the Myanmar – Thailand Trade mission 2017 are to:

  • promote cross border trade and business activities;
  • explore networking opportunity for local SMEs to expand their business across borders.

3. Expected Results

  • build at least 10% of business network and engagement through Trade mission;
  • boost the potential products and its brand visibility, to gain wider recognition;
  • explore and identify new business opportunities;
  • explore and identify more business partners.

4. Event Structure

Myanmar – Thailand Trade mission 2017 will be a full-day event and will be implemented on November 5-8th, 2017 at Kanpura Hotel in Thailand’s Kanchanaburi province (99/23 Sangchuto Street Kangsearn Sub-district, Mueang District, Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand on 5-6 November, 2017 and XXXX hotel, Dawai Province, Myanmar on 7-8 November, 2017).

Key features of the program are:

  • Remarkable note from the governors of participating provinces in relation to cross-border trade promotion;
  • Presentation of the key information of the potential products to investors by respective businessmen from Myanmar and Thailand;
  • Business matching activities to access to more partners as the entry point for new trading opportunities.
  • Study visiting trips to factories and business companies in Ratchaburi and Kanchanaburi provinces, Thailand and Dawai province, Myanmar.

5. Target Participants

Around 30 businessmen from Myanmar and Thailand will participate in the Myanmar – Thailand Trade mission 2017. Businessmen will be local SMEs who are the producers, retailers, and distributors of relevant products and service sectors such as OTOP, agribusiness, handicraft product, tourism, and construction services and equipment’s.

6. Organizers


  • Chamber of Commerce 3 Provinces (Kanchanaburi, Prachinburi, Ratchaburi provinces).


  • Dawei District Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI)

7. Contact

For details, please contact:

Prachinburi Chamber of Commerce.
Tel: +66 86 684 15627
E-Mail: [email protected]

Dawei District Chamber of Commerce (DCCI)
Tel:+95 9792081575
E-mail: [email protected]