Corporate Status: Private enterprises
Business Type: Retail, Wholesaler
Business Sector: Services
No. of employee: 11-20
Year establishment: 2009
Main products:
  • 1) Specific product and services: Water paint oil painting plaster paint and waterproof
  • 2) Specific product and services: Delivery service

Established and conferred by Cantho Department of Planning and Investment a business registration certificate on 21/05/2009 with registered name as ANDY One Member Limited Company. By 08/07/2013, it was changed to ANDY Building Materials Co., Ltd and up to now. Main business fields: Wholesale of materials, installation equipment for construction: Trading in building materials, interior and exterior decoration, paintEstablished and conferred by Cantho Department of Planning and Investment a business registration certificate on 21/05/2009 with registered name as ANDY One Member Limited Company. By 08/07/2013, it was changed to ANDY Building Materials Co., Ltd and up to now. Main business fields: Wholesale of materials, installation equipment for construction: Trading in building materials, interior and exterior decoration, paint

Target markets
Domestic markets
Top 3 destination cities
  • Can Tho
Portion of sales: 1) Cantho and Provinces in the Mekong Delta
No products/services available yet
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General Contact
Company’s legal representative
Name: Minh Hieu Nguyen
Position: Director
169, Nguyen Van Cu, An Cu Ward, Ninh Kieu D.,, Can Tho , Can Tho, VIET NAM
Focal Contact
Name Surname Division/Dept. Position Mobile Tel Email
1 Minh Hieu Nguyen Director 0939 703 911 0916 733 911 [email protected]

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