Corporate Status: Co-operation
Business Type: Producer, Exporter, Importer, Service Provider
Business Sector: Agriculture, Manufacturing, Services
No. of employee: 6-10
Year establishment: 1998
Main products:
  • 1) Specific product and services : FIBC bulk bags
  • Jumbo bags
  • 2) Specific product and services : PP woven bags paper bags

Came into operation from November 1998, Hakipack was a company with 130 labors and produces only one commodity to supply for its 2 joint-venture partners, now Hakipack (Hatien Packaging Joint Stock Company) with charter capital of over 40billions VND and 560 labors promote advantages of modern producing line so that it not only supplys cement bags for domestic customers but its products are also exported to EU and USA market and get customers’ belief and appreciation.
As the foundation time to now, Hakipack has been ceaselessly widening their premises, investing in moderning machines, equipments and technology…At this stage, Hakipack is one of the leading companies in Vietnam for producing PP bags for domestic demand as well as for export with capacity of approximately 45 millions cement bags per year.

Target markets
Domestic markets
Top 3 destination cities
  • Kien Giang
  • Can Tho
Portion of sales: Đồng nai
International markets
Top 3 destination countries
No products/services available yet
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General Contact
Fax.: 84297 38 53 804
Company’s legal representative
Name: Huu Duc Nguyen
Position: Director
Can tho , Tay Ninh, VIET NAM
Focal Contact
Name Surname Division/Dept. Position Mobile Tel Email
1 Huu Duc Nguyen Director 84 297 38 56 947 84 297 38 56 947 [email protected]

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