Noble Net COMPANY LIMITED Tanithayi Region / Dawei, MYANMAR

Corporate Status: Private enterprises
Business Type: Producer, Retail
Business Sector: Agriculture
No. of employee: 1-5
Year establishment: 2017
Main products:
  • 1) Turmeric plantation and production; 2) Provided learning opportunity to who need those 3) Business network
  • Turmeric plantation
  • Business and Education Network Service
  • Mobile phone sales and service
  • Arrangement for training, workshop, seminar and busines
Target markets
Domestic markets
Top 3 destination cities
  • Tanithayi Region / Dawei
International markets
Top 3 destination countries
No products/services available yet
No requests submitted yet!
General Contact
Tel.: 5923286
Company’s legal representative
Name: Mr. Tin Aung Than
Position: Managing Director
420, Thida (3) street, Ka Nyone Ward , Dawei, Tanithayi Region / Dawei, MYANMAR
Focal Contact
Name Surname Division/Dept. Position Mobile Tel Email
1 Ms. Khin Nyo Nyo Director +95 9444 958 286 +95 59 232 86 [email protected]

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