LONG THAI HOA Company Limited Tay Ninh, VIET NAM

Corporate Status: Limited Liabilities
Business Type: Producer, Retail, Processor, Exporter, Importer, Wholesaler
Business Sector: Agriculture, Manufacturing
No. of employee: 201-300
Year establishment: 2006
Main products:
  • 1) Specific product and services: Cashew Kernels
  • 2) Specific product and services :Brick
  • 3) Specific product and services : Trading petroleum

The company manufactures and exports cashew kernel, brick production, petroleum trading

Target markets
Domestic markets
Top 3 destination cities
  • Tay Ninh
Portion of sales: 1)Tây Ninh 2) Bình Phước 3)Ho Chi Minh city
International markets
Top 3 destination countries

Trade capacity
Monthly average:
Volume: 100 tons Cashew nuts
Value: 1200 USD
Annual average:
Volume: 1000000
Value: 12000000 USD
No products/services available yet
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General Contact
Fax.: 066.3712030
Company’s legal representative
Name: Doan Trang Tran
Position: Director
No.16 Trung Nu Vuong,Area 1.Wards 2, Tay Ninh, Tay Ninh, VIET NAM
Focal Contact
Name Surname Division/Dept. Position Mobile Tel Email
1 Doan Trang Tran Director 066.3878862 066.3712030 [email protected]

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