Department of SME Development Tanintharyi Region Tanithayi Region / Dawei, MYANMAR

Superior Organization: Directorate of Industrial Supervision and Inspection, Ministry of Industry
Organization sector: public
Business type:
  • Governmental Trade Promotion Organization (TPO)
No. of employee:
Year establishment: 2014
Key services:
  • SME Development


  • SME development centre, under the Ministry of Industry was established in April 4, 2012.
  • Department of SME Development is reorganized and extended in April 1,2014. 
  • 15 branches of SME Development Department were newly established in Nay Pyi Taw and state / region.  
  • 35 new branches were established in related districts throughout the country.



The mission of the Department is to stimulate the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to have competitiveness and innovation. In order to achieve the statement ,the followings shall be supported-

  1. Human Resource
  2. Technology Development and Innovation
  3. Financial Resource
  4. Infrastructure Development
  5. Market Access
  6. Appropriate Taxation Procedures
  7. Conducive Business Environment



  • The vision of the policy of and medium enterprises development are as follow:

Creation of regionally innovative and competitive SMEs across all sectors that enhance income generation and contribute to the social –economic development Mission.

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Organization structure
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Membership Info

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General Contact
Tel.: 5921146
Fax.: 5924019
Legal representative
Name: Mr.Zaw Myo Aung
Position: Deputy Director
Kuthinaryon Monastry Street , Waekyun Nyaung, Dawei, Tanithayi Region / Dawei, MYANMAR

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