Koh Kong Chamber of Commerce Koh Kong, CAMBODIA

Superior Organization: Cambodia Chamber of Commerce
Organization sector: Cambodia Chamber of Commerce
Business type:
  • Governmental Trade Promotion Organization (TPO)
  • Governmental Investment Promotion Agency (IPA)
No. of employee:
Year establishment: 1995
Key services:
  • .


Suggested outline

· Development history: Eventually, The Cambodia national Chamber of Commerce was created under Sub-Decree N0. 89 ANK.BK dated 26 August 2002 as stipulating that Cambodia national Chamber of Commerce has activated in its Provincial and Municipal boundary within the Kingdom of Cambodia. In accordance with the Law on the Chamber of Commerce, and due to the dynamic atmosphere of its business activities, Phnom Penh Chamber of Commerce has its authorities in its boundary within Phnom Penh Capital City. On July 22nd, 2004, Samdech Prime Minister HUN SEN had approved Sub-Decree on the Establishment of Khos Kong Chamber of Commerce (Sub-Decree N0 25 ANK.BK) that authorized in its boundary of each self-motivated Provinces.

· Mission:

· Vision:

· Key responsibility  By nature, Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary membership-based and is a not-for-profit institution representing private sector interests in commercial, industrial, service and craft and agricultural sectors and dedicates to the economic well-being of their territory and of the country as a whole. Large, medium and small legal businesses from virtually every profession across the nation could join the chamber of commerce. The Chamber of Commerce work to make their voice heard and contribute to the efficiency of the government, thus, making business environment friendlier to businesses.

· Others:   In Cambodia, Chamber of Commerce is established under the Law on Chamber of Commerce promulgated in 1995 and its relevant amendment and regulations of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

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Membership Info

Procedure to be a member

The Required characteristics in name of ordinary members of the chamber of commerce:

  • To complete the application form of ordinary member;
  • To be a company, enterprise, factory, and business that obtains the registration certificate legally;
  • The applicant shall be a Chairman, Voice-Chairman, Director, Deputy-Director, Executive, Manager and editor of the business entity-Single ownership of company, factory, enterprise, and other businesspersons;
  • To pay the annual fee is a must:
  1. Local Business Entity ( USD 150.00 )
  2. Foreign Business Entity ( USD 350.00 )
Membership benefits
  • Newsletter
  • E-mail
  • Poster
  • Brochure
  • Business Matching
  • Seminars
  • Conference
  • Exhibition
  • Trade Fair
Benefit detail:

· To promote your businesses and services.

· To voice your concern to the governmental policies formulation and enforcement; and coordinate the unified efforts in the area of your business operation to maintain and strengthen a healthy business environment.

· To stay informed of policies, regulation and information related to your business.

· To build network across the business spectrum locally and internally; hence, making reliable contact of business partners, suppliers, customers and even governmental officials etc.

· To promote your business name and value.

To be able to receive a resolution outside the court in case of business dispute through a mechanism called Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Services provided to members

Recognize the composition of Executive of Koh Kong Chamber of Commerce in the 1st term of 2nd mandate

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General Contact
Tel.: 820535534
Legal representative
Name: Ngoun Chheang
Position: Director
Village 1, Sangkat Dong Tong, Khemarak Phumin , +855, Koh Kong, CAMBODIA

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