Lay Soy Garage Pursat, CAMBODIA

Corporate Status: Private enterprises
Business Type: Service Provider
Business Sector: Services
No. of employee: 6-10
Year establishment:
Main products:
  • Repairing car
  • Maintenance car
  • selling and buying car spare part
Target markets
Domestic markets
Top 3 destination cities
Organization Country Certificate
CAMBODIA Certificate
No products/services available yet
No requests submitted yet!
General Contact
Company’s legal representative
Name: Soy Lay
Position: Chairman
National Road N* 5 ,Peal Nhek I Village, Sa, Pursat, CAMBODIA
Focal Contact
Name Surname Division/Dept. Position Mobile Tel Email
1 Soy Lay Chairman (855-12) 535 336 (855-12) 535 336 .