Tith Chang Kampong Chhnang, CAMBODIA

Corporate Status: Limited Liabilities
Business Type: Retail, Processor, Wholesaler
Business Sector: Manufacturing
No. of employee: 11-20
Year establishment: 2010
Main products:
  • Building bricks

Tith Chang produces variety of building bricks.

Trade capacity
Annual average:
Volume: 2160000 bricks
Value: 86250 USD
Organization Country Certificate
Tith Chang CAMBODIA Certificate
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General Contact
Company’s legal representative
Name: Chang Tith
Position: Manager
Tlerk Yul Village, Taches Commune, Kompong Tr, Kampong Chhnang, CAMBODIA
Focal Contact
Name Surname Division/Dept. Position Mobile Tel Email
1 Tith Chang Manager +855 017 558 807 +855 017 558 807 .

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