Heng Chamreun Bakery Kampong Chhnang, CAMBODIA

Corporate Status: Private enterprises
Business Type: Producer
Business Sector: Manufacturing
No. of employee: 11-20
Year establishment:
Main products:
  • Bread and sweet cake

Heng Chamreun Bakery produces a variety of bread and cakes

Target markets
International markets
Top 3 destination countries
Organization Country Certificate
CAMBODIA Certificate
No products/services available yet
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General Contact
Company’s legal representative
Name: Chhay Khern
Position: Manager
1st village, Khsam Commune, Kompong Chhnang T, Kampong Chhnang, CAMBODIA
Focal Contact
Name Surname Division/Dept. Position Mobile Tel Email
1 Chhay Khern Manager +855 092 21 21 77 +855 092 21 21 77 .

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