thummadeesk Sa-Kaeo, THAILAND

Corporate Status: Co-operation
Business Type: Producer
Business Sector: Manufacturing
No. of employee: 11-20
Year establishment: 2002
Main products:
  • Spa herbs/
  • Fragrant
  • Skin Care Products

Sa Kaeo is a border town. The motto of the province is “Beautiful border town, the beautiful waterfall, and forest with the ancient civilization, Cambodian Trade Zone”. There have 5 ethnicities, including Thai, Chinese, Lao, Vietnamese and Cambodian. Most of the people living in Agriculture. In addition, there is area to grow good herbs. There is the local wisdom of a variety of local doctors. Thai herbs are used in daily life. From the ancient wisdom, it is the source of the product. Organic Aromatic Massage Balm under the brand, Thammadee, which is the production of Thai herbs, such as Cassumunar ginger, turmeric, many kinds of herbs to mix and scent to different aroma becomes a new innovation. This is very popular.

Beauty products

1. skincare product

2. hair spa

3. aromatherapy spa oil

“Thummadee, Good for heart, good for you”


Target markets
Domestic markets
Top 3 destination cities
  • Sa-Kaeo
  • Ratchaburi
  • Chanthaburi
Portion of sales: 30:70
International markets
Top 3 destination countries
Portion of sales: 70:30

Promotional materials
Brochure Flyer Catalog
Trade capacity
Monthly average:
Volume: 100000
Value: 12000 USD
Annual average:
Volume: 300000
Value: 36000 USD
Organization Country Certificate
Community Enterprise Network members THAILAND
Members of the travel business club THAILAND
No products/services available yet
No requests submitted yet!
General Contact
Fax.: -
Company’s legal representative
Name: Aoytip Jumjod
Position: manager
sa-kaeo, sa-kaeo, 27000, Sa-Kaeo, THAILAND
Focal Contact
Name Surname Division/Dept. Position Mobile Tel Email
1 Ms. Aoytip Jumjod President +66819152095 +66800634699 [email protected]
2 ariya noysuk manager 0910483397 0800634699 [email protected]

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