Private Enterprise Hoan Ngoc 7 Nga Tay Ninh Tay Ninh, VIET NAM

Corporate Status: Private enterprises
Business Type: Producer, Retail
Business Sector: Agriculture
No. of employee: 201-300
Year establishment: 2001
Main products:
  • 1) Tea Bag Filter Hoan Ngoc 7 Tay Ninh
  • 2) Capsules TANU Green – TANU Gold
  • 3) Instant tea Hoan Ngoc 7 Tay Ninh

The Hoan Ngoc! A precious herb from Tay Ninh.


Having been scientifically proved to be effective, state-level scientific research project under the Vietnam Pharmacopoeia Project, the Hoan Ngoc 7 Company Tay Ninh Tay Ninh has successfully extracted and refined active precious substances from trees Hoan Ngoc. Truc Ngoc Tea 7 Tay Ninh, delicious drinks, good for your family health, help detoxify, improve physical strength, support treatment of high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer.


Truc Ngoc 7 Russian Tea is the original product, the first genuine tea of Tay Ninh Ngoc Ngoc

Target markets
International markets
Top 3 destination countries

Promotional materials
Brochure Flyer Catalog
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General Contact
Fax.: 66.3631721
Company’s legal representative
Name: Kim Nga Bui
Position: Director
37 Nguyen Trong Cat Street, Hiep Nghia Hamlet, Tay Ninh, 840000, Tay Ninh, VIET NAM
Focal Contact
Name Surname Division/Dept. Position Mobile Tel Email
1 Kim Nga Bui Director 8466.3621121 8466.3631721 [email protected]

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