Siam Banana Co., Ltd Kanchnaburi, THAILAND

Corporate Status: Limited Liabilities
Business Type: Producer
Business Sector: Agriculture
No. of employee: 21-50
Year establishment: 1997
Main products:
  • Deep fried banana

Siam Banana Co., Ltd. was established for the following purposes.

  1. Explore and develop products that are processed from the banana.
  2. Support the villagers (person in the community) in Thung Samo District, Kanchanaburi to have a stable income.
  3. Help & support farmers who grow bananas from raw material to product.
  4. Educate the villagers (person in the community) or interested agencies in studying the production at no cost.
  5. Study and develop the Banana breed that suitable for processing.
Target markets
Domestic markets
Top 3 destination cities
  • Kanchnaburi
  • Ratchaburi
Portion of sales: Currently, 100% sales to domestic markets, the company has planned to export to neighboring countries and China market soon.

Promotional materials
Trade capacity
Monthly average:
Volume: 4,450 kgs
Value: 20 USD
Annual average:
Volume: 53,400 kgs.
Value: 240 USD
No products/services available yet
Raw material Hardware 28 Mar 2018
Need more raw material
General Contact
Tel.: 34-510768
Fax.: 34-510768
Company’s legal representative
Name: Miss Rungkarn Changkun
Position: Sales Manager
22 Moo. 3 Tumbol Tung Samo, Kanchanaburi, 71140, Kanchnaburi, THAILAND
Focal Contact
Name Surname Division/Dept. Position Mobile Tel Email
1 Miss Rungkarn Changkun Sales Manager 081-298-2333 +66 (0) 34-510768 [email protected]
2 Ms. Rungkarn Changkun Sales Manager +6681-298-2333 +6634-510768 [email protected]

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